5 ways to Exercise your dog when you can’t go on a walk

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Depositphotos_23808997_S 5 ways to Exercise your dog when you can't go on a walk

Allowing dogs to relax and intellectually stimulate them regularly is much more vital. Dog owners should spend time inside with their pets, especially during inclement weather, since this is the best environment for bonding with their pets. So you don’t have to worry much if you don’t feel like going for a walk with your dog.

So, to keep your dog occupied when you’re at home, here are five activities that aren’t too complicated yet provide an excellent mental and physical challenge.

You and your dog may do straightforward activities together in the convenience of your own home. You don’t need specialized tools to get the job done, even if you live in a tiny flat.

What you must have to exercise your dog indoors? You will only need a few items from around the home, which are;

  • hallways
  • doors
  • furniture
  • pillow
  • plastic containers

And always have his treats and favourite toys ready

Race and Jump

Just 10 minutes of back-and-forth will make your dogs gasp! You will need a hallway, a door, and two plastic storage containers.

  • Put a plastic container in the door
  • Put the other one at the end of the corridor.
  • Stand at one end of the hallway.
  • Toss your dog’s toy or wave it down the hallway and through the open door
  • Now, those supply containers are hurdles to jump!

Bending, twisting, and reaching.

Bending and stretching are natural ways for your dog to release tension. Therefore, they are good choices when he lacks physical activity.

  • You will need a table with a low base and a treat or toy.
  • Safety first! Make sure the table is secure. Take away anything that could fall over.
  • Place the treat or toy in the centre under the table
  • Let your dog try to get the treat or toy


Crawling is a natural behaviour bred into some herding and hunting dogs. Crawling is a home exercise you can do with your dog.

You will need A chest of drawers and two storage bins.

  • Open the centre drawers of the dresser.
  • Place the containers in front of the open drawers to build a tunnel
  • Place your dog on one end
  • Stand at the other end yourself
  • Persuade him to crawl through the tunnel

Sit-stand transfer

While standing before your dog, lead him over to his seat. It is important that he maintains the most upright posture possible and does not shift to the side. It would help if you urged him to rise again, but this time, he should do it as gently as possible without moving forward.

The most effective method for doing this is to place a treat in front of him, then gently walk in the other direction, giving him the cue to stand back up. Only in this manner can he use the muscles on his back legs; otherwise, he would have to pull himself up with his front legs.

You can achieve this with this exercise: The muscles and mobility of the joints of the hind legs are trained. The muscles in his lower back and coordination are also trained.


Dogs have a natural propensity for digging, which is a taxing workout! The action of drawing your pads closer to you with your front paws produces a motion similar to that of real digging.

The act of digging itself is beneficial to dogs in several different ways. They can trim their claws, which helps them relieve tension, train their muscles, satisfy their natural drive to hunt, and so on.

You will need a confined location (the gap between the side of the couch and the wall works nicely), some old cushions or thick blankets, snacks or toys, and a hiding place. Put the snack or toy in the room, then surround it with cushions and blankets to make it seem cosier.

Note: You should use older pillows or blankets as they can get shredded when digging!

Once your dog gets the hang of it, move on to the next level.

  • Let your dog wait in the next room
  • Hide the treats or toys under the pillows
  • Let your dog search and spy out his hidden reward

As you can see, it does not take very much to occupy dogs while they are kept indoors. The nicest part about these drills is that they are simple to do and can be done with any dog, regardless of whether or not it has been trained, without becoming tedious. Therefore, you may even install them while caring for your dog. These activities are excellent for developing obedience and may also be used in day-to-day situations.

This game has several advantages:

  • Your dog will get good mental exercise from searching since it gives him something to concentrate on.
  • It provides him with work to accomplish.
  • He gains trust (and a reward!) when he succeeds. You can celebrate his victory with him!
  • Training your dog inside can be enjoyable for you and your dog with just a little imagination and planning.

In conclusion, indoor exercise for dogs

Dogs are incredible creatures, and you want to provide them with the best life possible as a responsible owner. However, there may be occasions when your schedule or the world’s circumstances won’t permit the lengthy, winding walks that you and your dog are used to taking.

However, much like people, animals flourish when they have the opportunity to move about. More than that, if they don’t get to run about, their behaviour may range from being charming to being completely out of control. So, use the steps and ideas in this article to keep your dog fit when you don’t go for a walk, and bear in mind that these can work for numerous types of dogs, including Corgi Puppies.

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