Why Collies Are My Favourite Breed: Intelligent, Energy, and Unmatched Loyalty

missy Why Collies Are My Favourite Breed: Intelligent, Energy, and Unmatched Loyalty

If you’re looking for a dog that combines intelligence, energy, and unwavering loyalty, look no further than the collie. Over the years, I’ve come to love this breed more than any other, and my experience with my collie, Missy. Before Missy, I had another collie called Rascal. Missy and Rascal only deepened that affection. Collies are supremely intelligent, graceful, and brimming with energy. If, like me, you love the outdoors and enjoy long walks, a collie will make the perfect companion.

Intelligence and Trainability

We all know that collies are intelligent, making them stand out from many other dogs. Collies are known for being one of the most intelligent dog breeds, and they don’t just learn quickly—they love the process of learning. Whether you’re teaching them new tricks or more complex commands, collies thrive when they have tasks to complete. Their intelligence is rooted in their history as herding dogs, which required them to think independently and work alongside humans.

Training Missy was always a rewarding experience. She picked up commands faster than any other dog I’ve owned, even the dogs I walk for a living as a dog walker. She also loved a mental challenge. Whether we were working on basic commands like “sit” or “stay” or more complex tasks like fetching specific items or ringing the bell for the back door to be opened (that was probably a mistake as she would ring the bell when it got light), Missy was always eager to learn and excel. A collie is an excellent choice if you enjoy working closely with your dog and want a pet that will respond well to training.

The Perfect Companion for Outdoor Adventures

Collies are naturally active dogs, and they thrive in environments where they can burn off their energy. If you’re an outdoorsy person, a collie is a perfect match. Long walks, hikes, and even jogs are ideal ways to keep them happy and healthy. Missy and I spent countless hours exploring the countryside together, and her enthusiasm for the outdoors was infectious. Whether walking through forests or trekking across fields, she was always by my side, eager to explore.

Collies love having a purpose; a long walk allows them to use their energy. Even after a full day of walking, Missy would still be ready for a game of hide-and-seek, one of her absolute favourite activities. Like most collies, she was obsessed with playing ball, but we would limit it as just playing ball leads to all sorts of muscular problems later in life.

Loyal and Protective

While collies are known for their intelligence and energy, they also have a profoundly loyal nature. Missy was more than just a walking companion—she was a devoted, protective friend. Whether we were out on a late-night walk or just relaxing at home, I always felt safe with her by my side. Collies tend to form strong bonds with their owners and are known to be naturally protective, especially when they sense something isn’t quite right.

Missy’s protective instincts were most noticeable during our evening walks. While during the day, she was alert and would often follow a dodgy-looking person until they left the park, at night, she became more alert, always keeping an eye on our surroundings. If she felt something suspicious nearby, she’d position herself between me and the potential threat, letting me know she had things under control. Missy also never liked anyone walking behind us at night; she would stop until they had passed.

Considerations for Families

While collies are lovely companions, they may not be the best fit for every family—especially those with young children. Missy generally tolerated kids and would try to remove herself from them. Collies are sensitive, and the unpredictable energy of young children can sometimes be a bit much for them.

If you’re considering getting a collie and have kids, it’s important to remember that they require a lot of exercise and mental stimulation. They may not always have the patience for rough-and-tumble play or the high energy levels of toddlers. Collies may still be an excellent fit for families with older, more responsible children who can engage with the dog calmly and respectfully.

The Joy of Working with a Collie

Beyond their physical abilities, what I love most about collies is the sense of partnership they bring. They’re dogs that genuinely enjoy working with you, whether it’s during training, on walks, or even in the home. Missy was always eager to help, whether picking up toys or being there when I needed her company and helped me get over my mum’s death

Their work ethic and willingness to learn make collies more than just pets; they become partners in your everyday life. That’s why they’ve earned such a special place in my heart.

Final Thoughts

Collies are my favourite breed for a reason: they’re intelligent, loyal, protective, and always ready for an adventure. If you’re an active person who loves the outdoors and enjoys spending time with a bright, engaging dog, a collie might be the perfect fit. My time with Missy was filled with long walks, fun games of fetch, and a bond I’ll never forget. While they may not be ideal for every family, especially those with young children, a collie is a companion like no other for the right person.

You can’t go wrong with a collie if you’re looking for a loyal, energetic dog who will challenge and reward you equally.

I am part of a fantastic blog circle. This circle comprises professional canine members such as dog walkers, trainers, and groomers. Please click the link to visit Kizzies Animal Therapy and see what their favourite breed of dog is and why

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