Action You Can Take Today To Help Your Dog Cope After Lockdown Imagine a place called Earth, the date is March 2020, and a silent killer is trying to rule the world and forcing nearly all humans to stay indoors …… oh wait, you don’t have to imagine as that really is happening. For the…
Dog Care Tips
Working from home with the dogs
How to get along with your new office mate If your current job allows you to work from home, you can count yourself lucky. Not only can you practice social distancing and be safe, but you can also spend more time working from home with the dog. However, even though they might be the best…
Quick and Easy Dog Games using objects around the house
As well as Ditching the food bowl below are some simple, low-cost games to help keep your dog entertained. All games should be supervised in case your dog damages the material you have created the game out of. Also, take care to ensure your dog doesn’t become unduly frustrated by a game. Perhaps help them…
A mentally and physically stimulated dog – is a happy and healthy pet.
Although dogs are a totally different species to humans, there are some very glaring similarities between us. It is very easy to see when our pets are bored, stressed and feeling lazy, but it’s also very common for our dogs to suffer from mental health disorders too. Left without adequate stimulation, sitting and waiting all…
Garden plants poisonous to dogs
As a dog owner, it’s important to create an outdoor space for them to play and relax in. Whether you’re a keen gardener or not, it’s also important to make sure this area is dog-friendly and doesn’t contain any plants that may be poisonous to your pet. To help you make the right choices for…
Tips and Games to Make Play Time With Interactive Dog Toys Even More Fun
One of the common mistakes made by dog owners around the world is to assume that the dog only needs to have a couple of walks to stretch limbs. Dogs, like human beings, need to expend their mental energy and physical walks. While ripping toys into shreds might amuse them for some time, they will…
Passive Smoking and your Pets
You may not be aware of the dangers of Passive Smoking to your Pets. This is known as passive smoking if we breathe in smoke from other people’s cigarettes, pipes or cigars. We all hear about the risks of passive smoking, especially when around children, but this is causing damage to our pets too. Exposure…
Greeting a dog
Think Before You Pet: How to Properly Greet and Pet Dogs As dog lovers, it’s easy to assume that all dogs enjoy being petted and fussed over. But the truth is, not every dog feels the same way, and even the most well-meaning person can accidentally make a dog uncomfortable. Whether you’re meeting a new…