One of the common mistakes made by dog owners around the world is to assume that the dog only needs to have a couple of walks to stretch limbs. Dogs, like human beings, need to expend their mental energy and physical walks. While ripping toys into shreds might amuse them for some time, they will…
Safe Holiday Travel with your Dog
Going on camping trips is fun, and taking Companions such as your faithful four-legged friend can add to the fun and adventure. Below are some tips to consider Make Sure that Your Dog Can’t Get Lost It is essential when you are in a strange area that your dog has good recall and is only…
Top Tips for travelling with a dog
It is an alarming fact that One in Four people who travel with their dog break the law by not restraining them, according to the RAC. When travelling anywhere with your dog, whether to the local woods or on a summer adventure, you must control the dog so it cannot be a dangerous distraction. As…
Passive Smoking and your Pets
You may not be aware of the dangers of Passive Smoking to your Pets. This is known as passive smoking if we breathe in smoke from other people’s cigarettes, pipes or cigars. We all hear about the risks of passive smoking, especially when around children, but this is causing damage to our pets too. Exposure…
Greeting a dog
Think Before You Pet: How to Properly Greet and Pet Dogs As dog lovers, it’s easy to assume that all dogs enjoy being petted and fussed over. But the truth is, not every dog feels the same way, and even the most well-meaning person can accidentally make a dog uncomfortable. Whether you’re meeting a new…
It’s New Years Eve! Keeping your dog safe during the celebrations
While we all love celebrating New Year, it doesn’t mean our pets enjoy it as much. During the evening of 31st December, we often celebrate with friends and family. It’s an excellent excuse for a party and a celebration as we see out the old year. Although humans often celebrate with fireworks, loud music, fun…
Are you a Law Abiding Dog Owner?
In the United Kingdom, we dog owners realise that owning a dog is a privilege and that, as responsible dog parents, we must care for our dogs and raise them in a way that keeps them safe and doesn’t cause our pets any harm whatsoever. In addition, all dog owners must adhere to legislation and…
Dogs Die in Cars
FACT! – DOGS DIE IN HOT CARS!! With temperatures rising this week, are you aware of the dangers of leaving your dog in a parked car? Imagine the scene – its 25 Deg C, a sunny day,, and you need to head out to the shops on an errand,, and you decide to take your…