This is an updated article on How to Remove Urine Stains. As a dog owner, whether you have an older, incontinent dog, are puppy housetraining, or have a male dog who marks his territory, you will no doubt have to deal with a urine accident on the carpet at some point. As a dog owner…
The dangers of rawhide dog chews
Please watch this video on how rawhide dog chews are made Bones and chews for dogs made of rawhide are very popular and appear in all sorts of shapes and sizes, being quite economically priced. A rawhide chew can last a dog for days, perhaps even longer, yet it’s so dangerous. I am…
Homemade Dog Chews
Dogs of all ages love to chew on things; whether you have a teething puppy or just a dog that likes to get his gnashes around something, a great way to keep them happy is with a dog chew. ItItan also be a great way to instil some dental hygiene too. Nowadays, dog chews come…
Recipes for dog treats with seasonal ingredients
Christmas is a time for enjoying yourself, relaxing and treating yourself to nice food and good company, and there is no reason your dog should be left out. Whilst they can enjoy the turkey, some of the treats we enjoy, such as mincemeat, macadamia nuts and chocolate, are poisonous so it’s best to treat them…
Dogs and Christmas Leftovers
Are Christmas leftover food and snacks OK to feed to your dog? Now that we’ve all enjoyed our fantastic Christmas Fayre, chances are that you have leftovers sitting in the fridge. While we have all overindulged with drinking and eating, we can bet that your dog has also had some Christmas treats that he wouldn’t…
Can dogs eat Christmas dinner?
Christmas is an exciting time of the year for the entire family, including your dog. Most owners want their four-legged furry friend to be involved in all the festivities, including a dog Christmas dinner. Much of what we eat at Christmas is suitable for your dog, but there are a few things to watch out…
6 signs your dog is having a stress-mas There’s so much to be done at Christmas. Visiting relatives, hosting parties, ordering the turkey, buying presents and wrapping presents are just a few of the things we have to content with. If you’re feeling stressed out your dog might be too. They can also get stressed…
Protect your dog from these Christmas hazards and dangers.
Looking at Christmas from your dog’s point of view, it’s a very exciting time of the year when many strange and unusual items are brought into your home, which means it’s time for adventures and mischief for them. Christmas trees, unique plants, shining decorations, presents, and exciting foods will all be of enormous interest to…