Do you have a puppy? If you do, then you might not know that taking proper care of it requires some specialist knowledge. Puppies are a lot more frail and fragile than adult dogs – they need support to reach their full potential. Looking after your puppy, as well as giving them proper care, is…
Are daffodils poisonous to cats and dogs?
Mach is here, and spring starts to show as the daffodils start coming into bloom in the gardens and parks. The daffodils and snowdrops coming up make people see the light at the end of the tunnel, and that spring is around the corner. There are other spring plants to be aware of. However, it…
Spring Dangers for Pets
For us humans, springtime is a joyous time of the year. Hopefully, the cold weather is behind us, and we look forward to all the fun things we can do. But this time of year can also bring dangers for our pets. Here are one or two spring dangers to look out for when you…
Why Should You Brush Your Dog’s Teeth
Brushing your dog teeth s something you might feel slightly strange doing for the first time. It’s hardly something that you’re educated on by any vet. With that being said, it’s important to practice good dental hygiene and avoid dental disease. If you want to take care of your pet, you have to make sure…
Human food good for dogs
Getting good food for your dog is an important part of being a responsible owner. Of course, you’ll want your beloved pooch to have the right kinds of foods to keep them healthy, fit and strong. You might think you can accomplish this with your basic dog food, but there is a better way. You…
How Much Should Your Dog Eat?
Learning how much you should feed your dog is more important than you may realise, but obviously, there is a massive size difference between dogs and the level of activity and breed change how much food they may need. Finding specific guidelines is tricky because they tend to be trial and error. Still, it also…
How to keep the house clean with dogs
As much as we love our four-legged friends, there is no denying that they add to the cleaning around the home. With muddy paws and fur shedding, keeping the house clean and sparkling is harder when you have a dog. However, we adore them, so we put up with this extra burden, but it’s always…
Is it ok for my dogs to eat junk food such as chips?
Can dogs eat chips? Many humans can’t resist junk food. This could be a packet of pringles whilst watching the TV or some chips whilst playing a board game. However, it is important to remember that whilst pringles Cheetos, quavers are tasty they are also bad for us. So are these tasty snacks also…