Rotating bottles is an easy DIY Dog Toy to make, and most dogs love to play and solve, helping with mental stimulation instead of a dog walk A small amount of DIY skills is needed along with some essential equipment as follows: High Value treats such as cheese (remember to take this into account and…
Dog & Puppy Info
DIY Dog Toys for Enrichment
With the current COVID-19 situation, many people are looking at “Social distancing “ and, more importantly “, self-isolation”. As a result, our dog walks will become shorter and less frequent; consequently, our dogs may get bored and unhappy. We have previously done an article on DIY Dog Toys and thought it was time to do…
How to entertain your dog whilst in self-isolation
In these difficult times when increasing numbers of us are having to self-isolate, one positive thing we can take away from it all is that we get to spend more time with our dog -and that’s guaranteed to make our days feel better instantly 🙂 . At the same time, your dog may get out…
A mentally and physically stimulated dog – is a happy and healthy pet.
Although dogs are a totally different species to humans, there are some very glaring similarities between us. It is very easy to see when our pets are bored, stressed and feeling lazy, but it’s also very common for our dogs to suffer from mental health disorders too. Left without adequate stimulation, sitting and waiting all…
Should you walk your dog in rainy and stormy weather
In my daily life as a professional dog walker, a rainstorm or windy weather doesn’t put me off at all. Many dogs I walk each day love being outside in the rain; they have furry coats that repel the water, and how many dogs do you know that love splashing about in puddles given a…
COVID-19 and Dogs
Coronavirus advise for pet owners to keep yourself and your pets safe They’re your furry best friends and you couldn’t imagine your home without them, but could your beloved cat or dog give you coronavirus? At present, there is no evidence showing that our companion animals or pets can be infected with the covid-19. Neither…
An older dog still needs daily exercise – here’s how to achieve it
Senior dogs still need adequate daily exercise to keep them healthy and happy. However, an activity that might suit a young pup won’t be appropriate for an older canine. The best form of exercise for a senior dog is, of course, walking. Your pet might not be able to walk quite as far as previously,…
Enjoying summer days and outings with your dog
Summer days don’t stay around for very long, yet even as we wind down to the last few weeks of the season, you can do many fun activities to spend quality time with your dog. Considering taking your dog along on your summer holiday gives both you and him the opportunity to take a break…