While we all love celebrating New Year, it doesn’t mean our pets enjoy it as much. During the evening of 31st December, we often celebrate with friends and family. It’s an excellent excuse for a party and a celebration as we see out the old year. Although humans often celebrate with fireworks, loud music, fun…
Dog & Puppy Info
Do you have a bored dog?
Engaging Activities and Scent Games for Mental Stimulation Some dog breeds, such as retrievers, herding dogs and sighthounds, have working instincts and love to chase after moving objects. Suppose they don’t get mentally stimulated often. In that case, they can experience withdrawal symptoms, become bored and stressed, and then look to make their entertainment, which…
Are you a Law Abiding Dog Owner?
In the United Kingdom, we dog owners realise that owning a dog is a privilege and that, as responsible dog parents, we must care for our dogs and raise them in a way that keeps them safe and doesn’t cause our pets any harm whatsoever. In addition, all dog owners must adhere to legislation and…
Dogs Die in Cars
FACT! – DOGS DIE IN HOT CARS!! With temperatures rising this week, are you aware of the dangers of leaving your dog in a parked car? Imagine the scene – its 25 Deg C, a sunny day,, and you need to head out to the shops on an errand,, and you decide to take your…
Walking your dog in summer
Now that summer is on its way, and we can all look forward to some hot, sunny days spending more time outdoors. However, as a responsible dog owner, there are certain times and factors that you need to consider when walking your dog during the summer season to ensure that he is safe and protected…
Taking Care When you visit the Countryside
At this time of the year, and especially with the weather picking up, many of us will be heading out to the countryside to walk our dogs. As responsible dog owners, we know that our dogs are always obedient, but what about when they come across sheep or other animals on your rambles? Follow the…
Is your Dog a Reactive Dog?
How to Walk a Reactive Dog: A Guide to Calm and Enjoyable Walks Walking your dog is meant to be a relaxing and enjoyable experience, but it can feel more like an ordeal for owners of reactive dogs. Many find themselves resorting to extreme measures—like walking their dog at unsociable hours to avoid triggers. While…
Five signs of disease in older dogs
One of the realities in life is that your dog is likely to reach old age before you do! Middle age in dogs begins from seven years old, with some larger breeds ageing even sooner. As a nation, we are improving at looking after our pets. With improvements in the food we feed them, a…