Canine Cancer – Know the Signs Whilst most dog owners will keep on top of their dogs’ health with annual check-ups at the vet. This can sometimes mean diseases like cancer can go unnoticed for a long time. With cancer, the quicker it’s diagnosed and treated, the better the chances of a full recovery. The…
Dog & Puppy Info
Sticks and the Dangers To Dogs
Are you one of those dog owners that like to throw sticks for your dog? After all, we all know dogs love a good game of fetch, and so many are around! When a dog has a stick, it can be hard to take it off. Indeed, some dogs can be described as ‘daft as…
Autumn Tips
Autumn For Dogs All the leaves are brown, and the sky is blue…well, we can be thankful for small mercy. Anyway, the signs are in, and Autumn is here now, which means despite the sunshine, we’re going to have to change our habits for the sake of our pooches. The Autumn months are a lovely…
Dog Poisoning
Dogs have many things in common. Wagging tails, unending loyalty and of course, the desire to eat EVERYTHING. This can get them into trouble, especially if they get hold of toxic foods Sadly in this world, some people don’t understand the appeal of a canine companion and worse still, there are those out there who…
Why do dogs like rolling in fox poo?
We all love our best friends and pretty much everything they do, but if we’re honest, there’s a good chance some of their habits are not on that list. Why Does My Dog Roll in Fox Poo? Now the jury’s out on why some dogs can’t resist a good old roll in fox poo, the…
Can you Really be Sure Who is Walking Your Dog?
Why Choose a Professional Dog Walker Over a Borrower? Here at Finchley Dog Walker, I’ve been asked many questions over the years. One that recently stood out was: “Why should I pay you to walk my dog when I could use someone who just wants to borrow a dog for a while?” It’s a fair…
Giant Hogweed – Can It Hurt Your Dog?
We have all heard stories about giant hogweed and how dangerous it can be, but just what exactly is it, how hazardous is it, what are the threats from giant hogweed to our dogs., and how can it be identified so we can keep ourselves and our pups at a safe distance? What is Giant…
What to wear when dog walking in summer
Now summer is finally here, the days are longer, the weather is warmer, and the sun is making more frequent appearances. It is the perfect time to get outdoors and appreciate the beauty that the English summer offers. Your dog will also be loving the warmer weather. They will be enjoying the sunshine with all…