We all know the tasty difference garlic makes in the kitchen, but did you know it has medicinal properties as well? Garlic has been used for its healing properties for thousands of years, especially in Chinese medicine. Our canine friends can reap the benefits too, if you believe the pro garlic brigade, with dogs seeing…
Dog & Puppy Info
Christmas Decorations and the Dangers to Dogs
Christmas is a time for family – and your dog is a hugely important part of that: wintery walks, a Christmas bone, the happy sight of your pet curled up in front of the fire – it’s all part of the magic. Don’t forget, though, that while he’s part of your family, many things that…
Dogs and Christmas Trees
Tips on having a Dog Proof Christmas Tree Christmas time can be quite overwhelming for our pets. There is also the hazard that the Christmas tree and other holiday plants can be entirely toxic for our dogs. How harmful these trees and plants depend on the amount that the dog eats, but symptoms can vary…
Kennel Cough – how kennel cough spreads
Although kennel cough is a relatively unserious condition that doesn’t mean that it should be ignored, in healthy dogs kennel cough often clears up itself, but you should still keep an eye on your pet to make sure that the condition isn’t getting worse. As the name suggests, kennel cough is a cough your dog…
Kennel Cough Remedies
Some Natural Ways to Help Kennel Cough If you think your dog has developed kennel cough, you should take him to your vet, who may decide that a course of antibiotics is an appropriate line of treatment. Tell them before you go as kennel cough is very contagious, and they may not want you in…
Kennel Cough
Kennel Cough in Dogs Kennel cough can rear its head at any time of the year and is very infectious. Outbreaks can occur when dogs are in close proximity to one another, such as kennels, dog shows and parks. Kennel Cough,the common name that is given to infectious Canine Tracheobronchitis or Bordatella, is a very…
Training Rewards for Dogs
Training Rewards We all know that it has been scientifically proven that the outdated idea of punishment training for dogs is not only desirable – it simply doesn’t work! Positive training, with appropriate rewards, is much more effective and less likely to stress the dog and you! So what can you use as a dog…
Leads and Harnesses
Choosing the Best Lead and Harness for Your Dog: A Friendly Guide Walking our dogs is one of life’s simplest joys. Still, it can come with challenges—especially in urban environments where open spaces are limited and restrictions in parks, beaches, or public areas are increasing. While letting dogs run free is undeniably the most natural…