Be Safe and Wear Something Bright Whilst Dog Walking I am sure you have seen the advertising campaign aimed more at Young People to help keep us safe during the dark evening at night. However, this applies to everyone, including dog walkers. So always “Be seen at nightwear something bright!” is good to remember during…
Dog & Puppy Info
Prevent Dog Disease by Exercise
Exercise is Good For You and The Dog Not only does exercising your dog keep him fit and healthy – it may also prevent diseases often associated with dogs that don’t get enough exercise. Just as exercise can prevent premature ageing and diseases in humans, dogs also benefit from having an exercise routine in their…
Calming Your Dogs at Mealtime
Sometimes all it takes is opening the pantry door or getting out the dog bowl to alert your dog that food is on the way. If you have more than one dog, mealtimes could erupt into growling and pushing matches. This might result in the dog gorging down the food too fast and having an…
Retractable Dog Leads – Good or Bad?
Retractable dog leads are sold everywhere, in pet shops, market stalls, and online. They can range in price from £8 to £100 plus and come in every colour you can think of. You can get shorter, lightweight leads for small dogs or sturdier ones for large dogs, and they are sold on the premise that…
Dogs and Thunderstorms
Helping your dog deal with thunderstorms Not all dogs will react to thunderstorms. Some dogs will sleep through it, but others will respond differently. Dogs can sense thunder long before it comes and starts pacing up and down, panting, trying to get under the bed etc., to hide. This can be hard for owners to…
Why you should see a vet
Do You Have a Regular Vet? Check Up’s Dogs are an important part of the family, just like children. I am sure, like many people, if you feel under the weather, you go to the doctor, or if you have children, you make sure they have regular checkups, vaccinations, etc. So why should your dog…
Harvest Mites
Harvest Mites and Your Dog Around this time of year, particularly July – September, harvest mites are at their peak in numbers, producing a high risk of skin problems for domestic animals – particularly dogs. What are harvest mites? They are small mites that start off as an egg then larvae and finally become an…
Dogs Teeth
Looking after your dog’s teeth! Every morning and every evening, we are told we need to brush our teeth; the importance of oral hygiene is taught in schools and passed down from mother and father to daughter and son. og, like humans, need their teeth cleaned to avoid dental disease. Unfortunately, because many people don’t…