Estimated reading time: 8 minutes
Just like humans, pets, especially puppies, can get into all sorts of trouble/accidents, and over the 12 or so years that your best friend is with you, there is a good chance that they will injure themselves at least once or twice.
Most dogs love adventure and to explore. However, the world is full of dangers. These include poisons, wasps and bees, broken glass, cigarette ends and now facemasks that haven’t been disposed of correctly. So, no matter how careful you are, no one cannot 100 per cent eliminate the possibility of accidents.
As a dog owner and scout leader, I have completed several first aid courses for humans and pets. Therefore, I understand the benefits of keeping a well-stocked Dog and Human first aid kit at home and when out and about (or in the car).
This article looks at some items your pet first aid kit should contain. Many of the things you probably already have, but some you may not have thought of.
Remember, first Aid means just that. You are making the patient (be it human or animal) comfortable and preventing any further injury until a professional opinion can be sought
Some common dog injuries
No matter how carefully we walk with our four-legged friend, we cannot prevent accidents.
This list is not comprehensive but covers some of the most common injuries your furbaby may suffer when out on his daily adventure.
- Cuts and scratches
- Twist, sprains and Strains
- Wasp or Bee stings
- Snake bites
- Bruises
- Swallowing any foreign objects
- Road traffic accidents
- Getting into a fight resulting in a dog bite
- Contact with toxic and poisonous substances
- Damaged or broken claw nails
- Overheating or dehydration
- Eye injuries
- Stick injuries
Duplicate Dog First Aid Kit
This may sound a bit excessive, but many of the items in a pet first aid kit should be kept in duplicate. Why, I hear you ask? The answer is straightforward one stays at home, and the other one, which is more compact, travels with you in the bag on walks.
Going for a nice walk with your dog is enjoyable and allows you to spend quality time together. However, as dogs are adventurous, the chances of accidents happening when you are out rather than at home increase.
Due to some items in a standard human first aid kit being harmful to dogs, it is a good idea to create a suitable Dog First Aid kit,
Our Recommended List of Dog First Aid Kit Essentials
Paperwork along with vaccination details and emergency numbers
If your pet gets into trouble, you or someone else may need to get in touch with a vet, and this may not be your regular Vet if it is out of hours.
Try and keep details of your dog’s medical history for quick access along with wit numbers for people such as vetfone or animal poison line
Soft Muzzle
It is not exactly a first aid item, but it is invaluable when handling a dog in pain, as they are likely to be in fight or flight survival mode.
Vinyl gloves
Gloves are an indispensable item. They protect the first aider and the patient when dealing with any cut. They also prevent cross-contamination when used correctly and changed frequently.
Instant ice.
These are great to keep in both human and dog first aid kits. They are readily available from all good chemists and reduce swelling in sprains and strains.
Simply activate the two chemicals by bursting the inner bag and wrap in a towel or something. Then place it on the limb, and remove it after a couple of minutes.
Bandages and tape
An essential in any first aid kit, whether at home or out on a walk. Various sterile bandages will help stem the blood flow of any open wounds until you can get to the very for professional treatment.
When applying bandages, make sure they are tight but not too tight so that they cut off the circulation. If the blood starts to come through the first bandage, do not remove it as you disturb the clotting process but apply another bandage on top.
Gauze bandage 7.5cm width: It is important to try and keep at least 2 or 3 of these in the first aid kit
Cohesive bandage: These self-adhesive bandages don’t stick to the fur. They are great for covering any gauze bandage.
Micropore or some other type of dressing tape is required to help keep bandages in place.
Tweezers are a handy item in the first aid kit; They can be used to remove splinters from paws, or if your dog gets stung by a bee, they can also be used to scrape away the barbed sting carefully.
Tick Remover
Both humans and dogs can get ticks. If they are not removed correctly, you will leave the teeth behind in the body. Ticks can carry Lyme disease, so they must be removed correctly as soon as you can
Antiseptic wipes
These are not used on the dog but are for human use. Antiseptic wipes or some hand sanitiser will prevent cross-contamination and the spreading the infection.
Antihistian tablets such as Piriton
These are great to keep in stock at home and on walks. They are used to relieve bees or wasp stings symptoms, although you can use Beecarbinate of soda for bees or vinegar for wasps.
However, before giving them to your dog for the first time, it is important to check the correct dose with your Vet, etc.
Manuka Honey
This natural remedy can be applied to any burn cut, infection or wound.
Water or saline solution
Purified water or saline solution is essential for dogs and humans. If a foreign body enters the eye, use sterilized water to flush the eye or any other wound to remove foreign objects. For this purpose, it may be worth keeping a 5ml and 10ml syringe in the first aid kit.
A Towel or blanket
Wrapping up your pet in a tool or blanket when they are frightened can help comfort them.
Any medications that your dog is taking should be kept in the first aid kit in their original containers. Doing this lets you know where they are for easy administration, as does anyone else in the house.
Need I say more
Mobile phone
Don’t forget when you go out for your walk to make sure you have a fully charged mobile phone and that your emergency numbers are stored. After all, you never know when something may go wrong and you need to phone for help.
Your essential first aid kit can always be used in the first instance to give emergency help to your dog, but always consider that there may be an urgent need to take your pet to the Vet to be checked out as soon as possible.
Each year, hundreds of dogs in the UK are involved in medical emergencies; they swallow poisonous substances, suffer heatstroke, or are involved in road accidents. Knowing what to do in such an emergency may save your dog’s life.#
Other First Aid Items worth keeping in the cupboard
Torch: Not only can accidents happen in the dark, but a small torch is useful for eye injuries, etc
Elizabethan collar: These will help prevent the dog from chewing the wound
Pen and paper: Useful to take notes to ensure the info you provide the Vet is accurate
Plastic bag: These can be used to cover bandages when it is wet
Stainless steel kidney dish: Useful for filling with warm water to help clean wounds
First Aid Training
I firmly believe everyone should take some first aid / first response courses.
It’s beneficial to everyone to know how to administer basic first Aid, either to a human or a dog, but if you wish to increase your knowledge, a dog first aid course is slightly specialized, but many of the principles in dealing with cuts and breaks are the same.
Finchley Dog Walker has qualifications in animal first aid, so I can deal with an animal in an emergency to the best of my ability and understanding.
The information provided in this blog post is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional veterinary advice. While we strive to provide helpful advice, we are not veterinarians and cannot diagnose or treat any medical conditions.
It is crucial to consult with a qualified veterinarian for personalized advice and guidance tailored to your pet’s specific needs. If you have any concerns about your pet’s health, we strongly encourage you to seek the advice of a licensed veterinarian.
This blog complies with the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 & Exemptions Order 2015, which states that only qualified veterinary professionals can diagnose, prescribe, or treat medical conditions in animals. Any advice given here is for educational purposes and should not replace professional veterinary care.