Can stinging nettles hurt your dog

As the weather warms up and new growth appears along the hedgerows and in the countryside, dog owners need to realise that it also heralds the beginning of stinging nettle season. Nettles of the stinging variety tend to grow in clusters, typically in areas of moist, uncultivated soil. They are known to grow quite tall, producing small green-whitish flowers and small egg-shaped fruits later in the season.
Stinging Nettle
The Latin name for this perennial is Urtica dioca, used in medicine and as a herbal remedy, first discovered in ancient Greece. Nowadays, it’s found worldwide, but more predominantly in Asia and the cooler regions of Europe. The stinging nettle blooms from June until September and reaches between 2 and 4 feet tall.
The stems and leaves of the stinging nettle are covered in tiny, fine hairs (trisomes), and it’s these that contain histamine and acetylcholine, chemicals that may cause contact dermatitis not only in humans but also in dogs when skin contact is made. When the young nettles first appear, their sting is much more virulent, but as they grow taller, they become less potent.
I often encounter a crop of stinging nettles when I’m dog-walking in the woods around Finchley. Although I do my best to prevent the dogs from contacting these nasty plants, it’s sometimes rather difficult to avoid them from sniffing and walking into them.
The short answer is yes. Dogs can get stung by stinging nettles
Symptoms to look out for
When your dog comes in contact with the stinging nettle, he will likely suffer from itching, swelling and redness, especially in some areas of his face and the paw pads, parts that aren’t covered with fur. He may begin frantically digging at the ground and licking his paws. If he ingests any of the nettle plants, he may also suffer from the following more severe symptoms:
- Vomiting
- Drooling
- Pawing at his mouth
- Difficulty breathing
- Twitching muscles
- Ataxia – uncoordinated movements
What to do after contacting stinging nettles
If you suspect he has eaten and swallowed the nettles or the dog’s eyes have been affected, contact your Vet, who can provide care to treat the ailments. Look around for dock leaves for lesser symptoms of redness and itching while on your walk. These plants are commonly found near nettles and contain a natural remedy for any nettle sting. Crush the leaf of the dock plant with your hand and rub the juice onto your dog’s paws.
Once you’re home, if your dog appears to be still suffering, you can try several remedies to relieve the stinging from the tiny nettle hairs.
- Wash any affected parts with soapy water, such as the face, legs, whole paw or pads. This can help remove the tiny filaments, which look like minute glass rods.
- If possible, try to stop your pet from rubbing or scratching the irritated areas, which will cause it to itch even more.
- Apply a made-up paste of bicarbonate of soda and water to the sore areas of the skin (this also works for bee stings), or if possible, stand your dog in a bowl of this solution.
- Calamine lotion applied to the paw pads will soothe the area, but your dog will immediately try to lick this off.
- If your Vet has previously prescribed Piriton antihistamine for your dog, give him a dose to reduce the reaction. Anti-inflammatory medication may also help in this situation, but only if prescribed by your Vet.
If you are unable to get hold of your Vet, then VetFone can help
Nettles can also be beneficial
Although they’re considered to be a weed and most often a nuisance, the nettle is also a resourceful herb when it’s dried, as the components that cause these allergic reactions are not active when the plant has been chopped and dried out. The weird fact is that the stinging nettle is very often used for dog skin problems, the very problem it can cause when growing. Nettle is used in products to encourage the coat to flourish in hair loss and scurvy coat conditions. The whole nettle plant, the leaves, stem, and even roots have all been discovered to have many positive, powerful and beneficial vitamins and minerals.
Although we often curse this pesky plant for the stinging discomfort it brings, research has proved that it’s beneficial for the following problems and health issues in humans and, in some cases, for dogs:
- Rejuvenate hair growth
- In patients with diabetes, it can help to control blood sugar
- Reduce bleeding gums associated with gingivitis
- Treat ailments of the urinary tract and the kidneys
- Relieves water retention
- Prevention and Treatment of diarrhoea
- Helps to soothe haemorrhoids and ulcers
Of course, as with any herbal or plant-based treatments, always consult your doctor to ensure that they don’t complicate or adversely affect any current medication or treatment you are taking.
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