The Dangers of Christmas Presents and Your Dogs

From Wrapping Paper to Silica Gel & More!

‘Tis the season of giving, and as we unwrap our presents, we must remember that some gifts can pose potential dangers to our furry friends. Our canine companions may be just as excited as we are about Christmas presents. Still, specific items, including wrapping paper, silica gel packets, and even the contents of the gifts, can be hazardous. Let’s dive into the risks and learn how to protect our dogs during this festive season!

Wrapping Paper and Ribbons:

The vibrant colours and crinkly textures of wrapping paper and ribbons often catch our dogs’ attention. While it may seem harmless, ingesting large amounts of wrapping paper or swallowing ribbons can lead to gastrointestinal issues or blockages. Monitor your dog while unwrapping gifts and ensure that all remnants of wrapping paper and ribbons are safely disposed of to prevent accidents.

Silica Gel Packets:

silican-1024x535 The Dangers of Christmas Presents and Your Dogs

We often find small silica gel packets in packages designed to absorb moisture and prevent item damage. While these packets are marked as ‘Do Not Eat,’ they can entice our dogs. Swallowing silica gel beads can result in gastrointestinal obstructions, causing discomfort and distress. Secure all packaging materials and keep them out of your dog’s reach to avoid mishaps.

Contents of Presents:

While the wrapping paper may be alluring, what lies inside the presents can also be dangerous. Chocolates, for example, contain theobromine and caffeine, which are toxic to dogs and can lead to various health issues, including vomiting, diarrhoea, rapid breathing, and even seizures. Keep all tempting treats out of your dog’s reach, and remind your guests not to share chocolate food with your dog

Toys Requiring Batteries:

Toys that come with batteries can be hazardous when left unattended with dogs. Swallowing batteries can cause chemical burns, internal injuries, or blockages. Keep a close eye on your dog’s interactions with the toys, and remove any batteries or store them securely away from your pet’s reach.

Small, Swallowable Items:

Christmas presents often come with small, swallowable items such as small parts of toys, buttons, or even decorations. Dogs, especially puppies or curious ones, may be tempted to chew or swallow these items. Ingesting such objects can result in choking hazards or intestinal blockages. Keep these small items away from your dog’s reach and ensure they have safe, appropriate toys.

Noise and Stress:

Christmas can be a time of added noise and stress, affecting our dogs’ well-being. Loud music, fireworks, and parties may cause anxiety or distress for our furry friends. Create a quiet and safe space where your dog can retreat if they feel overwhelmed, and consider using calming methods such as soothing music or anxiety wraps to help alleviate their stress.


As we celebrate the holiday season and exchange gifts, it’s crucial to prioritize the safety of our four-legged family members. Several potential hazards can accompany our Christmas presents, from wrapping paper to silica gel packets, chocolates, toys needing batteries, and small, swallowable items. By being aware of these dangers and taking necessary precautions, we can ensure a joyful and safe holiday season for humans and our beloved dogs.